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Our Mission
To be a welcoming spiritual community, encouraging lives of integrity, service and joy.

Welcome to the

Unitarian Universalist Church of Hamburg! 

Whether you are a long time member or

are visiting here for the first time,

you are welcome. 

Whether you are old or young, rich or poor,

gay or straight, whatever the color of your skin

or your ethnic or religious background,

we welcome you to our community

of hope and possibility.

We would love to have you join us. 

Sunday's Service, December 1

Come join us for church this coming Sunday when our speaker will be

Rev. Susan Frawley.  Our first Sunday of the month is always a

family-friendly, inter-generational service, suitable for all ages.

Our goal is to have our holiday tree ready for decorating during coffee hour next

Sunday as well. Feel free to make or bring an ornament to add to our

own collection of ornaments. The holiday tree is donated to us this year by

Kathie & Jerry Saab. (Thanks, Kathie & Jerry!)

Sunday Service, December 8

We'll sing holiday carols from our hymnal, and congregants can share holiday poetry,

prose or special moments about the holiday. Feel free to play an instrument

or sing. If you can, please let Jerry know if you plan to share in any way.

Don't forget that the holiday you celebrate can also be Kwanzaa and/or Hanukkah.

Be sure to check out our News and Events page to stay up to date on activities!

Can't come in person? You can connect with us on Zoom: 

Meeting ID: 863 1575 0163

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